Rest is Not a Reward

Rest is Not a Reward

Rest is not a reward.

Let me say that again, for you and for myself: Rest is not a reward.

How many times have you treated yourself to an at-home spa day or an afternoon of cozy reading because you worked really hard and you deserve it? I know I’ve done it. We tell ourselves, once I complete x and y, then I can rest. We have been conditioned to think that if we’re not being productive, then we’re wasting time and that time is going to run out.

Stop. Slow down. Slow down. Please, slow down. 

Rest is productive.

Yes, we all have a huge to-do list that needs to get completed. We’re working on bettering ourselves, on growing into new, happier, healthier versions of ourselves, but at what cost

It is okay to slow down and rest. If you feel like you can’t give yourself permission to do so, allow me to step in. I give you permission to slow down and rest. Take it easy. Put your feet up, close your eyes, and breathe. 

Take time to slow down and rest to avoid burnout. At times, those to-do lists can really feel neverending and overwhelming. Burnout inevitably follows prolonged periods of stress, which can manifest physically and mentally. Have you snapped at a loved one and don’t know why? Have you felt a deep sense of dread about mundane, daily activities, including at home and at work? Have you felt depleted, exhausted, and isolated? Burnout is real. A study from Indeed released earlier this year found that 52% of workers feel burned out, and more than two-thirds of respondents said that feeling worsened since the start of the pandemic. 

We get so caught up in the daily grind that slowing down and checking in gets lost somewhere between our to-do lists and busy agendas. To help you avoid burnout, I’m sharing five ways to rest. I hope something below resonates with you and helps you along your journey. 

Five Ways to Rest and Avoid Burnout:

     1. Get some shut eye. 

Studies have shown that brain activity during sleep directly affects physical and mental health. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try sticking to a nighttime routine that includes a bedtime. I’ve been using blue light blocker glasses for around four years now and can attest that they truly make a difference. Here are my favorite

     2. Take a mental health day. 

No need to spend a bunch of money and stress over travel plans. Instead, take a staycation at home. Watch your favorite movies, nap, stay in bed, take a bath, anything that helps you to feel comforted and calm. For me this usually looks like taking my time to get out of bed in the morning, sitting down to actually enjoy my morning cup of coffee, and taking myself out to lunch at one of my favorite local restaurants.

     3. Try a yin yoga practice.

I had to say it. Those of you who have taken a class with me have probably heard me say that I truly believe that if everyone in the world did yin yoga, the world would probably be a nicer place. Yin is the practice of slowing down and getting comfortable with slowing down. It helps to undo the mental and physical knots that build up from our daily lives. It gives us time to slow down and check in with ourselves, and how often do we really take the time to do that?

     4. Read for fun.

Now I know this one isn’t for everyone, but hear me out. When was the last time you picked up a book (or audiobook) and read for fun? No assignments, no greater objective than the simple enjoyment of the act. I absolutely love reading. Time passes, outer stressors melt away, and you get lost in the story. 

     5. Take time to journal.

Spending time writing might now seem like rest, but using journaling as a form of meditation helps to clear and calm the mind, which in turn helps us to feel more rested. Keep an eye out for an upcoming post about this in greater detail + journaling prompts to help you get started. 

Let’s help one another find more ways to rest. Comment down below your favorite ways to take rest.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mallory Miller

    I absolutely love journaling. Especially when I feel anxious. It helps me get my thoughts out of my head and helps me to relax. Thanks for the post I enjoyed reading it!

    1. KateLynn

      So glad you enjoyed it! Journaling will forever be one of my favorite ways to relax, too.

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