My Favorite Essential Oils

My Favorite Essential Oils

I remember the first time a yoga instructor incorporated essential oils into a class I was taking.

My practice was transformed.

A sweet wave of lavender washed over my entire body and my lungs filled with the calming aromatics. It was the start of savasana and I was lulled into a state of relaxation I hadn’t experienced before. To this day, lavender is my favorite essential oil. I love to incorporate it into my daily life, both on and off the mat.

It seems like essential oils have gained an enormous amount of popularity within the last few years, probably thanks in part to major companies like doTerra and Whole Foods making them so easily accessible. I have a diffuser that I move back and forth between the living room and bedroom, as well as a miniature rechargeable USB adaptable diffuser that is perfect for on the go. I know that my Aunt has a diffuser in multiple rooms of her house and has a different oil for  many bodily ailments.

Essential oils have the power to transform a mood and heal the body. While I don’t think that owning every oil is necessary, there are a few I would highly recommend adding to your collection. These are some of my favorite essential oils:

  1. Lavender

As I mentioned earlier, lavender is my number one favorite pure oil. It helps to soothe the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety. It also helps to induce sleep with its calming scent and is a natural bug repellent.

  1. Grapefruit

The bright, uplifting citrus scent pairs perfectly with a powerful vinyasa flow. This invigorating oil serves as a natural mood booster and aids in increasing mental focus. I love placing this oil in the diffuser before teaching a class on a gloomy, rainy day to uplift the class’ mood and energize their spirits. It also works amazingly as a natural disinfectant when mixed with distilled white vinegar.

  1. doTerra Anchor

This oil is a luxurious and grounding blend of lavender, cedarwood, sandalwood, cinnamon, frankincense, black pepper, and patchouli essential oils in a base of coconut oil. Anchor is part of doTerra’s Yoga Collection trio of essential oil blends. You always have the option to create your own oil blends, but it’s often more cost effective to buy premade ones rather than purchasing each individual oil separately. This specific blend combines some of my favorite oils all into one earthy, calming blend.

What are some of your favorite essential oils?

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